Monday, February 1, 2016

#MoneyLoveChallenge Day 9

Look at what you have.  Check your bank balance daily while being grateful for what you already have.

Ways in which I am already abundant:

1. I have a great cheap apartment with laidback landlords.
2. I have free heat.
3. I am at the moment free from the payday loan cycle.
4. Just did my taxes and while I didn't hit submit... I am getting enough back to end my behind-on-rent problem and pay my dad back for last month's car repairs.
5. I'm getting Weight Watchers free through my health insurance.
6. Tonight I went shopping and using rewards coupons, spent less than $10 and used cash that I had from my Aldi refund.
7. Look, I got paid over a week ago and I still have money in the bank.

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