I am so so so so so so angry about the amount of noise coming from my downstairs neighbor. So much so that I put my foot down. Hard. I thought he got the hint, but there it goes again. I liked him better when he didn't have furniture and just hung out in his bedroom with his TV too loud. This weekend it seems that he might have got a TV for his living room along with a sound system...Woohoo someone probably just got their taxes done. It's like living above a 21 year old. I don't like this guy. I haven't liked him from the beginning, he seems shady with his rusty chomo van and he's got the building manager partying and drinking. I don't know why I've never looked up BM before on the circuit court website-- oh, he has five drunk drivings. So he has been to prison. And if he gets popped again... maybe I'll become the building manager?!
I don't know if it's the withdrawal that is making me SO FUCKING MAD and I am just trying to breathe through it. Smoking isn't going to make him turn down the volume. Smoking would give me an excuse to go sit in the other room on my computer and power smoke and not be so annoyed. Video games. I bet it's video games. This guy is in his fifties.
The quit smoking course that I am taking (through my insurance company) tells me to keep carrying my pack of cigarettes so that I can say no to the urges. Fuck that I say. I would have smoked them by now.
Physically I've been fine. It's mostly just me being emotional. I also cried because I love my cat so much and want her to live forever--we were gazing into each others eyes at the time.
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